How to take care of your mental health while looking for a job in Finland?

It's very frustrating to receive rejections, not only during a job search but also in our personal lives, friendships, or any kind of relationship. Many people, including myself, take it very close to their hearts. I can share my personal experience and what helped me in the past.

Instead of focusing on rejections, strive for at least one positive response
— Kseniia van Niftrik

One proven way to support yourself is through positive self-talk. Research shows that using encouraging words can help you move forward. For instance, I often advise my clients that if they receive hundreds of rejections, they will immediately forget about them as soon as they get positive feedback. Instead of focusing on rejections, strive for at least one positive response, as it will motivate you to continue.

Additionally, I never put all my eggs in one basket; I always diversify. While working in a company, I continue to develop myself as a career coach in my free time. Understanding that the economic situation in Finland may not be the best, having at least one Plan B or even Plan C helps me be confident and unafraid of the future. Consider exploring other options, such as freelance jobs or assisting friends.

Another piece of advice is to cultivate gratitude. This year has been about gratitude for me, appreciating the life I have and every experience, whether negative or positive. If it's a negative experience, I learn from it.

When I graduated from university, I was invited to give a speech to my peers. I reflected on our journey and thought about what would support us, as fresh graduates entering the real world. And after three years, this became an even more important truth for me: "Remember that your experiences are not solely positive or negative, and in the long-term it is just your path. Your path is the most valuable resource in the world, because even if everything else collapses, it will remain.

Plan your mental breakdowns in advance
— Kseniia van Niftrik

Lastly, one of my coaching clients shared a unique strategy—she plans her mental breakdowns. One day a month, she allows herself to complain, cry, express anger, and so on. On other days, she focuses on what she should be doing. This approach has helped her a lot.

In conclusion, find strategies that work for you, as there are many possibilities.

To watch the whole interview with Kseniia, click here.

Additional links:

Rejection Therapy: How to become bolder?

Interview with Kseniia

Kseniia van Niftrik

Career Advisor and Certified Coach

Kseniia helps people reach fulfillment in their lives through career changes and personal growth.

Connect with her on LinkedIn


Specifics of the Finnish job market: 2 things to consider


Don't put all your eggs in one basket in job searching