Get Your Dream Job in Finland Course

An online course in December for highly-educated professionals who want to find a job in Finland faster

The registration early bird price will be 55 EUR

Do you feel like:

  • You apply for jobs with no secured interviews

  • You want to learn the job searching skills unique to Finland

  • You lack friends who understand what you are going through

Then “Get your dream job in Finland” course is for you

We will spend an intense 4 weeks together learning to identify missing skills, analyze job ads, craft fitting CVs and cover letters, network, and practice real-time interviews.

Course start date: 26.11.2024 and lasts for 4 weeks

What we will doing during the course

Crafting Compelling Job Applications

  • You will learn how to create tailored CVs and cover letters that stand out to Finnish employers and receive detailed feedback and guidance to refine your applications.

  • We will apply together for all the jobs, ensuring each application is optimized and tailored to the specific role.

Effective Networking Strategies

  • We will create a detailed networking plan to connect with industry professionals.

  • You will receive ready-to-use message templates to effectively reach out to contacts and learn how to uncover hidden job opportunities through your network and turn connections into job leads.

Webinars and MasterMinds

  • We will have one week full of lectures covering all the aspects of the job search in Finland.

  • We will have weekly mastermind sessions where we discuss your progress, address any challenges, and come up with unique solutions.

September course program

All the online workshops and lectures are held in Zoom. They will be recorded and available after, mastermind groups will be private.

1 week

02.09.2024, 10:00-11:30: Introduction to the course, goal setting, getting to know each other

03.09.2024, 10:00-13:30: CV workshop

04.09.2024, 10:00-12:00: Cover letter workshop

05.09.2024, 10:00-12:00: Networking strategies: how to look for hidden jobs in Finland

06.09.2024, 10:00-13:00: Optimizing your LinkedIn profile, power of personal branding

2 week

09.09.2024, 10:00-11:30: Finnish working culture: things to consider as a job seeker

10.09.2024-13.09.2024: Mastermind sessions in small groups: How to stay sane while looking for a job in Finland

3 week

16.09.2024, 10:00-12:00: Interview mockup

17.09.2024-20.09.2024: Mastermind sessions in small groups: How to stand out in your job application

4 week

23.09.2024: 10:00-12:00: How to contact recruiters or hiring managers before sending your application?

24.09.2024-27.09.2024: Mastermind sessions in small groups: What to publish on LinkedIn

27.09.2024: Closing the course, picking a homework winner

The program might slightly change, depending on the students’ needs.

The course is for you if:

  • You live in Finland and do not need relocation support

  • You are looking for a highly-educated job in English

  • You are ready to apply for jobs and do your homework

Feedback from students

Don't waste another year looking for a job in Finland

Find a job in Finland faster, gain valuable lifelong skills, and meet people who can truly help you get hired.


  • No, this course is dedicated to highly educated professionals looking for a job in Finland, preferably in English. It's not for academia, licensed professions (medicine, law, teaching, etc.), or blue-collar jobs because the application process for those is different.

  • All the workshops will be available as recordings until the end of October. Though doing homework is important in case you want to get a job in Finland faster.

  • Yes, whatever works best for you.

  • There are a limited number of seats in the course. If you paid, it means your participation is confirmed and some people could not enroll.

    However, life happens and anyone can get sick. If you are away for half of the course (2 weeks) with a doctor's notice, you will get a refund.

  • A homework winner will receive a 6-month mentorship program to further support their job search journey.

  • A mastermind session is a meeting where participants discuss a particular topic. Each member contributes their knowledge and shares their unique way of approaching a challenge.

Do you have any questions?