This one skill will significantly improve your entire job application

This one skill will significantly improve your entire job application: learning to write about your achievements, not just your responsibilities, at the companies where you previously worked.

❓ What do I mean by achievements?
Achievements are quantitative results and the impact you had as a result of your work.

♣ Let's play a game. Whom would you invite to an interview?
The first person says: "I did newsletter marketing."
The second one says: "I managed a database of 10,000 leads and sent out email campaigns with a 40% open rate and a 15% CTR."

Let me guess, you chose the second person, right? You might not know what CTR or open rate are, but somehow you feel like you can trust this person.

The same applies to your job tasks. There is one formula recommended by Google recruiters that you can use to talk about your achievements.

The X by Y by Z Formula
Google describes this as: "Accomplished [X] as measured by [Y], by doing [Z]."

For example:
- For recruiters: Increased candidate retention by 25% by implementing a new onboarding process.
- For marketers: Improved brand awareness by 35% by partnering with key influencers in the industry.
- For project managers: Improved team productivity by 25% by introducing agile methodologies.

🎯 If you need more help identifying your achievements, use the following AI prompt: "What are numerical achievements for a job task [insert your job task here]?" and choose the sentences you can relate to.

Yes, I also realize that not everything can be quantified. There's no need to be extreme. Doing your best is enough.


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