🕒 How long does it take to find a job in Finland nowadays?

🤔 Give it some thought before reading further.





14 months.
😌 Breathe in, breathe out... Repeat...

Okay, okay, there is actually no data on the exact time. The number above reflects how long people stay as clients of TE-toimisto, both Finns and foreigners. Some, of course, find a place to study or become entrepreneurs. Additionally, some people do not even join TE-toimisto. So, the actual number can be higher or lower. Still, it's a number we can keep in mind.

When the job search journey takes longer than you expected, you might feel desperate and even depressed. I have two methods that might help you deal with the stress better.

1. Having a plan B
Nope, I am not telling you to give up on looking for a job. Instead, think about what you will do if you cannot get a job offer in 3 months, 6 months, or 1 year. Will you be studying something or looking for a temporary job? Spend some time thinking about that. I promise having an alternative will ease your mind.

2. Taking care of your mental health along the way
Many times, I have met people who want to find a job but have zero energy to work towards this goal. They are not lazy, just burned out. In that case, resting and talking to a professional might give you the strength to keep fighting for your happy future in Finland. There are so-called low-threshold services provided by the health station. Anyone with a valid visa can visit a nurse, who can then refer you to a doctor. Don't be ashamed of it; your mental health is more important than what people say.

Hope this blog post was helpful. If you've read up to this point, I have a course for highly-educated job seekers. In the course, we will also have mastermind sessions where we will learn additional strategies to help job seekers stay on track and not give up. 📚


What is one thing you urgently need to do after getting a job in Finland?